Dear PAWPAC candidates and supporters:

As all of us, individuals and organizations, face difficult times and an unknown future, PAWPAC wants you to know that we are committed to continuing our efforts to advance our mission and to elect more progressive women in this state. Never has Arkansas needed progressive women in office more. PAWPAC realizes that while social distancing is imperative, traditional campaigning is no longer possible. But new ways of campaigning via social media are possible. 

Check our website, Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram for tips on virtual campaigning which we will be offering frequently. PAWPAC also encourages candidates who are already social media savvy to share their campaign tips with their fellow candidates. PAWPAC will publish your social media tips, blogs, events, etc. on our social media platforms. PAWPAC wants to help you get the word out about your candidacy to your constituents!

As for PAWPAC, we have had almost four years of incredible growth since it all began in the summer of 2016 in that back alley in Little Rock. We are committed to continuing this growth. While traditional fundraising must be put on hold, PAWPAC is working on alternative ways to increase our supporter base, build our around-the state-presence, and augment our social media efforts. PAWPAC remains committed to growing the number of progressive women in state and local office and changing the face of Arkansas politics.

PAWPAC is here for you.


Founding Mothers:

Bettina Brownstein

Katherine West

Susan Inman

LeAnn Robertson

JoAnne Mills

Debbie Goolsby

Murry Newbern

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