U.S. Supreme Court blocks Trump from ending DACA.
Statement from Daisy Bonilla, LCSW, Candidate for State Rep., District 93
“Today, the Supreme Court has sided with immigrant communities and has stopped Trump from ending DACA this year. Since 2012, DACA has changed lives here in the state of Arkansas. Many DACA recipients are now homeowners, nurses, engineers, and community advocates. Having met and worked with brilliant DACA recipients, I know they are feeling excited, surprised, and hopeful. This is, indeed, a moment to celebrate.
Amid this win, let us be reminded that this major win is thanks to the arduous work, sacrifice, and tireless commitment of young activists and their communities. We give thanks to the DREAMERS who put themselves at risk, stepping out of the shadows, to advocate for immigration reform. It’s important to recognize that DACA does NOT offer a pathway to citizenship.
We encourage Congress and the Senate to work on a bipartisan solution that provides a pathway for our hardworking immigrant community to be fully recognized as part of the fabric of our culture, economy, and livelihood.
In the interim, I am committed to uplifting the voices of our community, encouraging people to be informed about the DACA process, and hopefully, one day motivate them to become citizens and our next voters.
Let us rejoice in this historic moment.”
Statement from Representative Megan Godfrey, District 89
“Today is a day of celebration for DREAMers and all Arkansans who are champions for fairness and opportunity. Arkansas did the right thing when we passed two pro-DACA bills in the 2019 legislative session, and the excitement and relief around today’s Supreme Court ruling prove that so many of us are proud to stand with DREAMers.”
Statement from Suzie Bell, candidate for State Rep., District 97
“I cannot be more thrilled with the Supreme Court decision to allow DACA to remain in place. While this decision is giving all DACA recipients a reprieve we still need to fight to obtain a more permanent solution. Today’s decision gives us breathing room, but this fight is far from over. As an immigrant myself, I celebrate today and work for reform tomorrow. Onward!”
U.S. Supreme Court rules that sexual orientation and gender identity are protected classes under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Statement from Rep. Tippi McCullough, District 33
Impact in Arkansas where up until now it has been legal to discriminate against gay and transgender individuals based on sexual orientation and gender identity:
The Court has now made it clear such discrimination is illegal. Rep. Tippi McCullough, a PAWPAC candidate, was fired in 2013 from her teaching job at Mt. Saint Mary Academy for marrying her partner. She reacts to the Court’s ruling.
“I am beyond thrilled, and very grateful to everyone who has worked to make this moment happen. Hearing the decision left me speechless,” said state Rep. Tippi McCullough. “Losing your job because of who you are, and not anything at all related to your performance, can be devastating. You not only lose your income, insurance, retirement, friends, but also part of your identity. All anyone wants is the right to work hard and be judged by your results, just like anybody else. It’s about respecting the inherent dignity of each person.”
“In Arkansas, we currently face discrimination in many parts of our lives, but with this historic decision, I hope we can move forward and recognize that people who are LGBTQ deserve the full protections of the law across the board. This United States Supreme Court 6-3 decision to include LGBTQ citizens as a protected class along with race, color, religion, sex, and national origin is a good sign for the future.”