As we reflect on 2024, we want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible PAWPAC endorsees who stepped up to run for office—more than ever before. We appreciate your willingness to lead. Our communities need leaders like you more than ever before. Thank you!
Endorsement Highlights
In 2024, PAWPAC proudly endorsed 82 candidates, resulting in 28 wins, including victories for 13 PAWPAC-endorsed incumbents. (For a full list of candidates, click here.) These results are significant, showcasing the dedication of our endorsees and the support of our community.
Notably, there were many important down-ballot wins for our candidates. This success reinforces PAWPAC’s commitment to building a strong bench for future political leadership.
GOTV Efforts
This year marked a new chapter for PAWPAC as we launched our first Get Out The Vote (GOTV) effort. Our goal was to support our candidates and boost voter participation. Our dedicated canvassers reached over 3,800 doors, targeting voters at risk of registration purges and those who hadn’t voted since the last presidential election.
Through engaging door-to-door conversations and timely text reminders, we emphasized the critical importance of voting. This effort not only supported our candidates but also reinforced the power of civic engagement within our communities.
Closing Message
As we conclude our reflection on 2024, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our donors. Your generous support has been instrumental in empowering our candidates and enhancing our outreach efforts. Thank you!
Looking ahead, we encourage everyone to invite women they know to consider running for office in both the upcoming 2025 school board elections and the 2026 elections. If you know someone who might be interested, please have them reach out to us to discuss running. Let’s nurture the next generation of leaders and create lasting change in our communities!
Want to make a difference? Help us make change by supporting progressive Arkansas women candidates! We are the only state-level PAC that provides direct, financial support to progressive women running for office in the state. Set up a one-time or recurring donation today!