Arkansas’s War on Women

Arkansas’s War on Women

Until sanity reasserted itself, Anne Bynum was going to prison for six years for giving birth to a stillborn child and concealing the birth from her mother for approximately eight hours.  She did, however, alert her attorneys (who were representing her in attempting...
Why Arkansans Don’t Vote: Part Three

Why Arkansans Don’t Vote: Part Three

The Voting Process Itself Can Be a Barrier [This is the third and final part of a three-part series on why Arkansas has the lowest voter participation rate in the nation.] Did you know there are three ways to vote in Arkansas? Most Arkansans don’t. We can vote at the...
The Fight for LRSD: People vs. Profit

The Fight for LRSD: People vs. Profit

It’s not about choice; it’s not (intentionally) about race; it’s not about the students. It’s about the MONEY.        If the rest of the state didn’t know before, it does now: the Little Rock School District (LRSD) is a mess. Articles abound about what is going to...
Your Guide to Filing

Your Guide to Filing

We’re less than a week away from the start of the filing period for the 2020 election. We’re excited to support progressive women candidates across Arkansas who are committed to improving our state.   Please pay close attention to these details on when and...
Join us for Women Are Running Photo-Op

Join us for Women Are Running Photo-Op

The right to vote is not enough: 100 years after earning the right to vote, more women than ever are running for office. WEAR WHITE and meet us at noon, November 6, for a group photo to show Arkansas the power of progressive Arkansas women as candidates, volunteers,...
Talking Truth About Abortion: Part Two

Talking Truth About Abortion: Part Two

Infringing on My Religious Freedom Most anti-abortion activists cite the Bible as the authority for their position.  To be more precise, they cite the New Testament.  They are either fundamentalist Christians or Catholics, who somehow feel justified in advocating laws...