Oct 8, 2019 | Let's Talk Local Politics
Anti-Abortion Myths Did you know that currently there are 281 individual children and 64 sibling groups (2 or more children) awaiting adoption in Arkansas? These figures do not include newborns. So naturally, when I read these numbers and saw the photos of the...
Sep 21, 2019 | Let's Talk Local Politics
Voters don’t know—and don’t go. Other states mail pamphlets to households of registered voters with information about voting, election dates, locations, candidates and issues. Not in Arkansas. Voters in this state are left to make voting decisions based on 30-second...
Sep 9, 2019 | Let's Talk Local Politics
Voter turnout in Arkansas is dismal—especially among the young. The reason for this is simple: every part of the process is difficult to navigate. Unnecessarily so. According to the US Census Bureau, in 2018 in Arkansas only 55 percent of those eligible to vote...
Aug 27, 2019 | Let's Talk Local Politics
Voter Suppression in Arkansas: Take Two You may recall the Governor released $8.24M to the Secretary of State in early August to allow 21 counties to purchase “new” voting machines that others already have. This brings the total to $15 million—after you...
Aug 23, 2019 | Let's Talk Local Politics
Voting the Old Way Costs Too Much Money Recently, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette wrote about how Washington County is bracing for an expensive election year. So are the 74 other counties in Arkansas. Elections in Arkansas are expensive – because we insist on voting...
Aug 14, 2019 | Let's Talk Local Politics
Calling the Arkansas lottery a “scholarship lottery” is laughable. Only 19 percent of its total revenue funds scholarships—$98 million out of $515 million in sales—making it second only to Wyoming in the lowest percentage awarded to students of all the state...